The right time and the correct response increase the chances of success!
- How often should the Happiness Index be measured?
- What does my team’s happiness depend on?
The questions you ask during the HI survey should be a source of feedback for you that will help you make a real difference. You can ask how your employees feel about their current responsibilities, whether the current situation in the company is satisfactory and whether working with a current client is pleasant.
If you have already decided what questions you want to ask your employees to support them in their daily work, select the 3 most important ones and enter them into the tool.
Thanks to this, at the intervals you set, users of the tool will be shown a mini-survey consisting of:
- three consecutive windows with the specified questions,
- a 5-score answer scale under each question,
- fields for additional comment.

Just 3 questions to ask?
How is HI calculated?
The app automatically calculates the user’s satisfaction scores for each question. The statistical average of these three answers is the result of the user’s Happiness Index. You can also use charts to control HI across your organisation or individual teams.
Working with people, you are repeatedly convinced that not everyone is able to talk openly about their problems and needs.
The Happiness Index module solves this problem by allowing you to have a dialogue with your employees without the need for direct contact, which is especially useful for teams working in various locations.
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